Mother Fackers
From bleachers to BFF’s, busting up comfort zones, taking you with. Hosted by badass moms Lauren Doral and Nicole Marie.
Mother Fackers
Collateral Beauty
Mother Fackers
Season 1
Episode 16
Nicole channeled her inner Lauren
Being aware of our surroundings
Collateral Beauty
Finding the beauty in the ugly
Losing a pet - finding the beauty in their lives
Finding happiness after divorce and break ups
Happy positive dance
Accepting the things we cannot change
Finding someone to love you the way you deserve to be loved
"You have to keep breaking your heart until it opens" - Rumi
Lauren busting comfort zones left and right
Comfort zone: open mic, martial arts, podcast, promoting open mic on social, influencer interview, going to a party solo
Fav Thing: Cups and Cakes celery juice